Last Updated on December 17, 2024 by Mary Phagan
A revisionist is someone who examines and tries to change existing beliefs about events that happened or what their importance or meaning by deliberately and purposely using deceitful, dishonest, fraudulent, underhanded, hiding information secret from public knowledge.
A closer look at the deception of fraud, deliberate effort to deceive misrepresentation of historical sources:
Since the Conviction Integrity Unit (2019) has been established to review the Leo Frank Case, BOOKS have been BANNED, YouTube Videos have been removed and Georgia and Supreme Court records, original newspaper links are NO LONGER AVAILABLE!
Why? To “silence the opposing view.” What is the truth of the Leo Frank Case? Truth has become inappropriate or offensive or objectionable and is deemed “hate speech” to impose censorship.
Is it because we are Making a Difference, and the truth is finally being told?
Debunk: Censorship
The web site [www.littlemaryphagan. com] of Mary Phagan-Kean, a descendant of Mary Phagan, who was murdered by Leo Frank in 1913. It contains facts, news, videos and articles about the case, and challenges the ADL's narrative of Frank's innocence.
New Georgia Encyclopedia no mention that Frank was Jewish
Mary Phagan a pencil factory worker, was raped and murdered in 1913. The factory manager Leo Frank was convicted for the murder and imprisoned but then was lynched two years later on August, 16 1915. Courtesy of Atlanta History Center. No mention Frank was Jewish.
In 2024 Censorship/DoS Attacks denial-of-service (DoS) cyber-attacks [malicious attempt to overwhelm an online service and render it unusable] increased on my websites in which the perpetrator seeks to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users by temporarily or indefinitely disrupting services of a host connected to a network.
It didn't work!

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913; 32, 137; I Can Go Home Again, Arthur Gray Powell, 1943, Chapter 36: Up Against the Mob; page 277-292; Guilty or Not Guilty, Francis X. Bush, 1952, page 15,62; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 27; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein,1991; page 32 51-52.
DEBUNK: Anti-Semitism
Executive Minutes; Governor Slaton: Racial Prejudice, Anti-Semitism, Racial Prejudice, June 21, 1915; I Can Go Home Again, Arthur Gray Powell, 1943, Chapter 36: Up Against the Mob; page 287; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 189, 221; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; 227; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson-Frey, 1988, 60. 71; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991, page 242, 246-247, 248, 249, 262; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 44,198,199,327; CNN, June 19, 2024.
Hang the Jew:
'The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Georgia's greatest Murder Mystery, Published by Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913, Preface; The Truth About the Frank Case, C.P. Connolly, 1914, page 11, 18; Tom Watson Agrarian Rebel; C. Vann Woodward, 1938, Chapter XXII, page 436; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956, page 39-41; 156; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991, page 60; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991, page 258; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, 2010; page 61,100; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003, page 453; The Leo Frank Case, Former Governor Roy Barnes, Bell-Jones Courtroom, Mercer Law, November 12, 2009.
Debunk: Hang the Jew
Newspapers Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Journal in 1913 never reported any of the spectators shouting "Hang the Jew"; Black Jewish Relations on Trial, Jeffrey Melnick; 2000, page 53, 59; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003; 453; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, 2010, page 26; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol 3; The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam, page 163, 166; The Phagan Family Newsletter #4, March 2020,
The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery; Published by Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913; page 69,83,105-106; Executive Minutes, Governor Slaton: Mobs, June 21, 1915; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 39; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 94, 98, 99; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson-Frey, 1988, page 46, 51; Black Jewish Relations on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, page 15; 2000; The Leo Frank Case, Former Governor Roy Barnes, Bell-Jones Courtroom, Mercer Law, November 12, 2009.
Debunk: Mobs: See Anti-Semitism; Racial Prejudice; Hang the Jew
Fair Trial/Appeals/Judge Roan:
The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia's Murder Mystery; Published by Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913; page 63, 64; Tom Watson Agrarian Rebel, 1938, Vann Woodward; Chapter XXIII Pages 431-450; Page 443, 445; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 195-196; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden; 1965; Page 253; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, 2010; page 98.
Debunk: Fair Trial/Appeals/Judge Roan
The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery; Published by Atlanta Publishing Company; 1913; page 63-64; Atlanta Georgian Night Edition, James Nevin, August 18, 1913 ;Claims That Leo Frank Obtained a Fair Trial; Newspaper Article, June 14, 1914; Executive Minutes; Governor Slaton, June 21, 1914 [Slaton’s commutation disregarded volumes of trial evidence and testimony against Frank, but Slaton also chose to not disturb the jury’s verdict and affirmed the murder conviction by saying he sustained the jury and appellate tribunals.];The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frye, Nancy Thompson-Frey, 1988; page 74; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 30-31,79; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 428-433.
Leo M. Frank had fully and completely exhausted every possible court appeals process concerning every level of the United States Federal and State Appellate Tribunal System.
Majority and Unanimous Decisions during the Appeals Process Affirm the Murder Conviction Given by the Trial Jury including “extraordinary motion for new trial!”
Slaton, also suggested, that the Jewish Communities charge of race hatred as being the reason Frank was convicted was unfair, as it was certainly not true, because numerous other legal tribunals reviewed the evidence and testimony, and felt it was strong enough to convict Leo M. Frank. None of the appeals courts could be falsely accused of being mob terrorized or antisemitic, as the Jewish community put such false accusations and slander against the murder trial Jury.
After the Leo Frank murder trial ended August 21, closing arguments began and then ended on August 25 at noon. The jury rendered its decision on August 25 at 4 p.m., and August 26 at 10:00 a.m., the trial judge Leonard Strickland Roan affirmed the jury’s decision. Frank’s lawyers immediately appealed on August 27, 1913.
The appellate process slowly wended its way through the Fulton County Superior Court, Georgia Supreme Court, United States District Court, and United States Supreme Court, more than once. Every court meticulously sifted the murder trial testimony and evidence, and every court affirmed the trial was fair and the jury was not mob terrorized, with only four dissenting judges out of more than a dozen affirming judges. The verdict rendered by Leo Frank’s trial jury was not disturbed at the conclusion of the appeals.
Plants [Fake or Framed up Evidence to the benefit of the Defense]:
Club Not Found in Clean-Up, Atlanta Georgian, August 1, 1913; The Leo Frank Case Inside of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery, published by Atlanta Publishing Company, Chapter III Plants Charged to Frank1913; page 64-67, 142; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 36, 81-82, 142; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003; page 179-180; 420,The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 38-44, 327-328.
Sexual Assault/Menstrual Cycle:
Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956; page 15; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965, page 18, 111; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 10; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, page 19; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin; 2010, page 67; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 3, The Leo Frank Case, They Lynching of a Guilty Man, 2016; page 326; Murder at the Pencil Factory, R. Barri Flowers, 2017; page 7.
Debunk: Sexual Assault/Menstrual Cycle:
Pinkerton Reports, L.P. Whitfield, May 2, 1913; Interview: Fannie Coleman, Ollie Mae Phagan, page 25: [Mary did not have a menstrual cycle as she did not reach the age of complete puberty and would have had some type of cloth attached to her underwear]; Mary Phagan Autopsy, Conducted on Monday, May 5, 1913, by Dr. H. F. Harris, Reported During the Leo Frank Trial on Friday, August 1, 1913; The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery, published by Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913; Chapter XV page 80,81; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 22, 51,123.
To Number our Days, Pierre Van Paassen, 1965; page 237-238; A Little Girl is Dead; Harry Golden, 1965; page 53, 54,256, 257; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 158; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003; page 617-618; Flagpole Magazine May 5, 2004, Dr. Donald Wilkes, Jr.; page 7; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin,; pages11, 46, 132.
Debunk Bitemarks:
No x-ray evidence, no photographic evidence of teeth or bitemarks; Autopsy Report, May 5, 1913; Atlanta Constitution, August 1, 1913: William Gheesling Embalm Tells of Wounds on Girl; Atlanta Journal, August 3, 1913; Dr. Harris and Dr. Hurt no beastly and unspeakable mutilations about the dead girl's body, such as street rumor and gossip originally attributed to the perpetrator of the crime; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man., 2016; page 433-434
Murder Notes/Night Witch:
The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery, Published by Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913; page 86-89; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels; 1956; page 186-188; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 128, 144, 232, 233; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; Page 87-90; 102-103; Black -Jewish Relations on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000; page 91.
Debunk: Murder Notes/Night Witch:
Black -Jewish Relations on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000, page 66-67; 89-103; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, 2010; page 91-93; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 3, The Leo Frank Case The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam, 2016. page 390-395; 405-410.
Shit in the Shaft:
The Leo Frank Case, C.P. Connolly, 1914; page 91; Executive Minutes, Governor Slaton, June 21, 1915, A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 103, 134; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson Frey, 1988; page 46; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 3, 127; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003 page 213; Murder in the Pencil Factory, R. Barri Flowers, 2017; page 47.
Debunk: Shit in the Shaft:
Trial of Leo Frank, Defense; 1913: Defense abandoned theory of Mary Phagan being thrown down the first-floor scuttle hole, midway through the trial, instead for the "down the elevator shaft theory"; Brief of Evidence, Conley Testimony, 1913; Conley Testimony; Frank made hasty prestops with the elevator moments before it touched the uneven floor of the basement elevators shaft; human feces smells the moment of release and doesn't hide odor until smashed; The Leo Frank Case Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery; page 13, 27-28, 51; 75 [Much has been made of Conley’s admission that he defecated in the elevator shaft on Saturday morning, and the idea that, because the detectives crushed the feces for the first time when they rode down in the elevator the next day, Conley’s story that he and Frank used the elevator to bring Mary Phagan’s body to the basement on Saturday afternoon could not be true — thus bringing Conley’s entire story into question. But how could anyone determine with certainty that the “crushing” was the “first crushing”? And nowhere in the voluminous records of the case — including Governor Slaton’s commutation order in which he details his supposed tests of the elevator — can we find evidence that anyone made even the most elementary inquiry into whether or not the bottom surface of the elevator car was uniformly flat. Furthermore, the so-called “shit in the shaft” theory of Frank’s innocence also breaks down when we consider the fact that detectives inspected the floor of the elevator shaft before riding down in the elevator and found in it Mary Phagan’s parasol and a large quantity of trash and debris. Detective R.M. Lassiter stated at the inquest into Mary Phagan’s death, in answer to the question “Is the bottom of the elevator shaft of concrete or wood, or what?” that “I don’t know. It was full of trash, and I couldn’t see.” There was so much trash there, the investigator couldn’t even tell what the floor of the shaft was made of! There may well have been enough trash, and arranged in such a way, to have prevented the crushing of the waste material when Frank and Conley used the elevator to transport Mary Phagan’s body to the basement. In digging through this trash, detectives could easily have moved it enough to permit the crushing of the feces the next time the elevator was run down.]; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol. 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, 2016; page 410-415.
Exodus of Jews:
A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 275-276; Portrait of an American: Lawyer Sam Boorstein, Daniel J. Boorstein; The Wilson Quarterly, 1976, Vol. 14. No 1 (Winter, 1990), page 118-123.
Biography, "Boorstin was born in 1914, in Atlanta, Georgia, into a Jewish family. His father, Samuel, was a lawyer who participated in the defense of Leo Frank, a Jewish factory superintendent who was accused and convicted of the rape and murder of a 13-year-old girl. After Frank's 1915 lynching led to a surge of anti-Semitic sentiment in Georgia, the family moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Boorstin was raised. He graduated from Tulsa's Central High School in 1930, at the age of 15.
Debunk No Mass Exodus or Panic of Jews
1921 American Jewish Year Book; Volume 22; September 13, 1920, to October 2, 1921; edited by Harry Schneiderman for American Jewish Committee.
This chart shows a Jewish population
INCREASE in Georgia of 13,114!
Strangers within the Gate City: The Jews of Atlanta 1845-1915, Steven Hertzberg, Philadelphia 1978; page 213, 217; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindmann, 1991; page 270, 275; Institute of Southern Jewish Life Study, Goldring/Woldenberg, 2006.
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 339; 330-344.
Knights of Mary Phagan/Ku Klux Klan:
Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise, 1956; page 212; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 288; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson Frey, page 91, 104, 132; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991, page 271; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991, page 136, 139; 150; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003, page 148; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, page 107; Murder at the Pencil Factory, R. Barri Flowers, 2017; page 38.
Knights of Mary Phagan/Ku Klux Kan: Debunk:
New York Times, June 26, 1915, No Source; None of the Atlanta -based newspapers [Constitution, Georgian, Journal] mention "Knights of Mary Phagan", 1915; Jeffersonian, Tom Watson, August 19, 26, 1915 called Vigilance Committee, Tom Watson Agrarian Rebel, C. Vann Woodward, 1938 Chapter XXIII, pages 421-450; page 443, 450; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 309-320,328-329.
Judges: I am one of the few people who know that Leo Frank was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted and lynched.
I Can Go Home Again. Arthur Gray Powell, 1943; Chapter 36: Up Against the Mob; page 277-292, page 291; Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer, Allen Lumpkin Henson, 1959; Chapter 7: The Leo Frank Case; page 59-76; page 61-66; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 129; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson-Frey, 58, 59, 137; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney; 2003; page 618, 627, 647; Screening of a Lynching, Matthew Bernstein, 2009; page 148, 156, 270;An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alpin; 2010; page 104-105; The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, 2016, page 182-187, 434.
Debunk: Judges
I Can Go Home Again. Arthur Gray Powell, 1943; Chapter 36: Up Against the Mob; page 277-292, page 291-292
Page 291-292:
Judge Arthur Gray Powell died August 5, 1951. "I expect to write out what I know and seal it up; for the day may yet to come, after certain deaths occur, when more can be told than I can honorably tell now. If he left any such statement, it has not come to light.
Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer, Allen Lumpkin Henson, 1959; Chapter 7: The Leo Frank Case; page 59-76; page 61-66;
Page 76:
"I am the sole survivor of the "few people" to whom Judge Powell referred. Every reason which he had for not including this story in his book has disappeared."
Movies/Mini Series/Plays/Documentaries:
They Won't Forget 1937
People vs Leo Frank 2008
Leo Frank Case Revisited 2009
Debunk: Chapter 19
The Murder of Mary Phagan NBC 1988
Debunk: Chapter 13
Night Witch 1967
Parade 1988-Present
Debunk: Chapter 16
Racial Prejudice: Negro
The Truth About the Frank Case, C.P. Connolly, 1914, page 50-51, Night Fell on Georgia; Charles and Louise Samuels; 1956; page 35; The Jew Accused, Albert S Lindmann, 1991; page 245; Black Jewish Relations on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000; page 12.
Racial Prejudice Charge in Trial: Defense
Leo Frank's mother, Mrs. Rae Frank, caused a scene in the courtroom on August 13, 1913 by standing up and shouting an anti-Christian epithet directed towards Hugh Dorsey, the prosecutor. She was subsequently removed from the courtroom. This event brought religion into the trial for the very first time.
What exactly did Mrs. Rae Frank Say?
Some confusion about the exact words Mrs. Rae Frank: “Christian Dog” or “Gentile Dog” ? And the Dead Shall rise, Steve Oney; 2003; page 286.
Secret Relation Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam, 2016 page 28.
…’In fact, it was this Jewish woman’s bigoted utterance that introduced Frank’s religion into the trial.”
Newspapers of the day:
Mrs. Rae Frank, Mother of Prisoner, Denounces Solicitor Hugh Dorsey
Atlanta Constitution
August 14, 1913, 1,3
Court stirred by Outburst from Leo Frank’s Mother
Atlanta Journal, 4
August 14, 1913
“No, and you didn’t either.”
Frank’s Mother Resents Questioning of Dorsey
Atlanta Georgian, 3
August 14, 1913
“No, nor you either.”
Jews Fight to Save Leo Frank
New York Sun, p. 6
October 12, 1913
Mrs. Rae Frank: “You, Christian Dog”! was reported as to the utterance made.
Debunk: Racial Prejudice in Trial: Defense
Argument of Hugh Dorsey:
Atlanta Constitution
August 26, 1913, 7
“They have aligned and abused me; they have abused the detectives; they have heaped calumny on us to such extent that that good lady, the mother of this defendant, was so wrought up that she arose and, in this presence, denounced me as a dog.”
George Kendley *Defense called four witnesses claiming Kendley was antagonist toward Frank
August 10, 1913 pg. 1
Atlanta Journal
Rueben Arnold Closing Arguments
August 21, 1913
Atlanta Georgian, pg. 4
The Leo Frank Case
Inside Story of Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery
Published by Atlanta Publishing Company
Page 137:
Racial Prejudice
"The first-time prejudice was brought into the case, it was brought in by them and brought in for a purpose. "Never have I seen two men so delighted as Rosser and Arnold when they put those questions to Kendley. Never will I forget that scene. We did not put it in, and prejudice is not in this case. "Mark you, they, not us. raised the cry of prejudice.”
Guilty or Not Guilty, 1952
Francis X. Bush
Page 62:
Four witnesses called by defense to testify that George Kendley, streetcar employee and one of the rebuttal witnesses had publicly expressed himself as violently antagonist to Frank – “ he was nothing but a damned Jew and should be taken out and hung” “guilty as a snake” “ninety percent of the best people in the state think he is guilty and ought to hang”
It was on this note that the evidence closed by the defense.
The Leo Frank Case, 1991 [Special Edition]
Leonard Dinnerstein
Page 51-52:
“The state also brought forth George Kendley, a trolley car conductor, who remembered seeing Mary Phagan walking in the direction of the factory at noon on the day of the murder. The defense rebutted with people who made incrementing remarks about Kendley. One man claimed to have heard the trolley conductor say that ‘Frank was nothing, but an old Jew and they ought to take him out and hand him anyhow.’ Another recalled that Kendley expressed the sentiment ‘that Frank was guilty as a snake and should be hung….’The remarks attributed to the trolley conductor were less important than for the attitudes expressed. It was the first time any indication of overt anti-Semitism appeared in the court.”
Sexual Pervert
The Truth About the Frank Case, C.P. Connolly, 1914, page 12, 92; Tom Watson Agrarian Rebel, C. Vann Woodward, 1938; page 435-436; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956, page 26, 93; Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer, Allen Lumpkin Henson, page 59.The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey, Nancy Thompson-Frey; 1988; page 71, 126; The Leo Frank Case; Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991, page 19; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991, page 243; Black-Jewish Relations on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000, page 47,The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3 The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Nation of Islam 2016, page 111-120.
Smearing of Mary Phagan:
Black Jewish Relations on Trial, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000; page 31, 62; And the Dead Shall Rise, Steve Oney, 2003; page 3, 4, 5; An Unspeakable Crime, Elaine Marie Alphin, page 6; Murder in the Pencil Factor, R. Barri Flowers, 2017; page 2, 3.
Debunk: Smearing of Mary Phagan
Atlanta Constitution, May 4, 1913; Pinkerton Reports, L.P. Whitfield, may 2, 1913; page 25; The Truth About the Frank Case, C. P. Connolly, 1914; page 11, 23; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, 1956, page 9, 10; A Little Girl is Dead; Harry Golden, 1965, page 5; The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein, 1991; page 11; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Frey and Nancy Thompson-Frey, 1988; page 6, 7.
Tom Watson; Silent on case until Frank conviction; declined offer to defend Frank
Tom Watson Agrarian Rebel, C. Vann Woodward, 1938; page 436; A Little Girl is Dead, Harry Golden, 1965; page 217, The Silent and the Damned, 1988, Robert Seitz Frey, Nancy Thompson-Frey; page 90; The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991, page 259, 260;
White Privilege; Prejudice Against Negroes
The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery; Atlanta Publishing Company, 1913, page 54, 137; Night Fell on Georgia, Charles and Louise Samuels, page 158, 159; A Little Girl is Dead, 1965, Harry Golden, page xv; The Silent and the Damned, Robert Seitz Fry, Nancy Thompson-Frey, 1988, page 109; Black Jewish Relation on Trial, Leo Frank and Jim Conley in the New South, Jeffrey Melnick, 2000, preface xi; pages 8, 27, 43, 61; And the Dead Shall Rise The Murder of Mary Phagan and The Lynching of Leo Frank, Steve Oney, 2003, page 148; Murder at the Pencil Factory,, R. Barri Flowers, 2017, page 31.
Yellow Journalism: Deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of news stories to evoke emotional responses and capture audience attention.
The Mary Phagan/ Leo Frank case was reported on in newspapers across Georgia between 1913 and 1915. The three main newspapers covering the trial from July 28 to August 26, 1913, included the Atlanta Constitution, the Atlanta Journal, and the Atlanta Georgian (Hearst’s Yellow Journalism) who in particular, sensationalized the story with daily dramatic headlines.
Fortunately for 21st century Leo Frank scholars, most of the questions and answers survived in the three major local newspapers and are a must read since the original trial transcript disappeared around 1965 when Harry Golden and Leonard Dinnerstein were researching the case.
These newspapers also report on the criminal activity (plants)the Leo M. Frank legal defense team played to try and get their guilty client free.
Alonzo Mann: See Chapters 10, 11, 12.
In 1982 Alonzo Mann, who in 1913 at 13 years old had been the office boy for the National Pencil Company, made a sensation in the press by denying the sworn testimony he had made at the Leo Frank trial, and stating his belief that Jim Conley was the real killer of Mary Phagan. In 1913, Mann had testified that he left the office on the day of the murder at 11:30 AM. In 1982, he changed the time and told a quite different story.
In 1983, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), along with other Jewish groups, spearheaded a campaign to get the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles to issue a posthumous pardon to Leo Frank, basing their case largely on the 1982 statement of Alonzo Mann. The Board found that Mann’s statement added no new evidence to the case. They also noted that Governor Slaton in his 1915 commutation decision had already considered that the elevator may not have been used to move Mary Phagan’s body, but nevertheless he upheld Frank’s conviction. The ADL’s petition was denied, and Leo Frank’s guilty verdict was affirmed.
The Leo Frank Case, Leonard Dinnerstein 1991, The Tennessean Special News Section Frank Ritter, Jerry Thompson, Robert Sherborne Sunday, March 7, 1982; Pages 1-19 [back of book].
Debunk: Alonzo Mann
Special News Section; Frank Ritter, Jerry Thompson, Robert Sherborne, Sunday, March 7, 1982, pages 1-9, The Jew Accused, Albert S. Lindemann, 1991; page 254 Footnote #38:
“Much has been made of the testimony of Alonzo Mann, an office boy at the time of the murder, who came forward in the mid-1980s to say that he had seen Conley in the factory, carrying Mary Phagan’s body. As we will see, this was not the only testimony implicating Conley, but since Mann’s recollections, after so many years, have not been subjected to in-court cross-examination, it is difficult to know how to evaluate them. It should be noted that Mann did not testify that he actually saw Conley commit the murder.
The issue is discussed in Phagan (Kean), Murder
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews, Vol 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man, 2016; Nation of Islam; Page 453-455; 450-463: Chart of Alonzo Mann: Then and Now; Nashville Tennessean on Trial, Falsehoods and Fictions in the March 7, 1982, Edition.
Murder At the Pencil Factory, R. Barri Flowers, 2017, page 51: “In spite of Alonzo Mann’s sworn statement, persuasive to many in placing the onus for Mary Phagan’s murder squarely on the shoulders of Jim Conley, there are some who remain skeptical of his story…”
The Troubling Testimony of Alonzo Mann in the Murder of Little Mary Phagan, Mickey Lawson October 22, 2019.
The Hoaxes of the ADL, Roy Barnes,
and Rabbi Lebow: They Lie, & Lie, & Lie
“Hang the Jew”: Never happened.
For the last half century the ADL and other
propagandists like Alan M. Dershowitz have
claimed there were “mobs” crying “Hang the
Jew”! Leonard Dinnerstein invented the “Hang the Jew” hoax out of whole cloth and committed academic fraud as he misrepresented historical sources.
The ADL’s own case expert, author Steve
Oney, told the Jewish Journal: “[I]t didn’t
happen....Jews were accepted in the city, and
the record does not substantiate subsequent
reports that the crowd outside the courtroom shouted at the jurors: ‘Hang the Jew or we’ll
hang you.’”
Anti-Semitism: None.
Anti-Semitism was absent from the case,
but vicious anti-black racism was present. Leo
Frank—as leader of B’nai B’rith—his defense
attorneys and supporters publicly and openly
referred to Blacks as “ni@@ers” in and outside
of court. In fact, Leo Frank’s own assessment of
his circumstance was as clear as can be:
“Anti-Semitism is absolutely not the reason for this libel that has been framed against me. It isn’t the source nor the result of this sad story.”
Wikipedia Now Labels ADL [Top Jewish Civil Rights Group]
“UNRELIABLE” Source on Antisemitism; David Coleman, CNN June 19, 2024
Wikipedia is the largest on-line encyclopedia and has become the Go-To source for fast information on millions of subjects. But its editors have finally had enough with the internet’s most prolific LEO FRANK LIAR, the Anti Defamation League (ADL). In a stunning rebuke of that group, Wikipedia’s editors declared that the Anti-Defamation League cannot be trusted to give reliable information on the Israel-Palestine conflict, and they overwhelmingly said the ADLis an unreliable source on “antisemitism.” Since its founding in 1913, the ADL has falsely presented itself as the world’s preeminent advocate for the rights and causes of American Jews.
Yet, Wikipedia editors voted last week to label the ADL as a “generally unreliable” source. That means that the ADL should usually not be cite in Wikipedia articles.
“The ADL is heavily biased regarding Israel/Palestine to the point of often acting as a pro-Israel lobbying organization,” the editors said. “This can and does compromise its ability to accurately report facts regarding people and organizations that disagree with it on this issue, especially non-Zionist or anti-Zionist Jews and Jewish organizations.”
The ADL became the world’s major source of false and misleading misinformation on the Leo Frank case, and it has made the case central to its tactic of weaponizing the label of “anti-Semitism” to fundraise and push hateful propaganda.
As expected, the ADL strongly objected to the Wikipedia decision, though the group continues its Leo Frank lies unimpeded.
Mobs at trial: None.
Unfair Trial: False.
According to the legal record and Frank’s many Appeals, Frank had a Fair Trial. There were 13 Appeals—and the guilty verdict was upheld in every appeal.
Exodus of Jews: Never happened.
Pro-Frank advocates have claimed that
“thousands” of Jews fled Atlanta, but this is
a complete myth. Jewish demographers show
that the Jewish population of Atlanta actually
increased over the weeks, months, and years
after the Frank episode.
Alonzo Mann: did not prove Leo Frank innocent.
Mann had given many conflicting stories—in 1913 and in 1982—that are irreconcilable with the known facts. The elderly Alonzo Mann was very likely coaxed and coached by Frank’s
advocates according to the transcript of Mann's videotape conference with ADL representatives, members of Georgia Pardon and Paroles Board, and attorneys.
For 111 years the Anti-Defamation League has
pushed the narrative that according to “historians”
B’nai B’rith leader Leo Frank was “wrongly accused, falsely convicted, wantonly murdered, pardoned in 1986” due to antisemitism and yellow journalism. Yet, in the original newspaper accounts of the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian, and Atlanta Journal there is no evidence of an atmosphere
of hysteria. In fact, Leo Frank is always referred to as “Superintendent, National Pencil Company”—and there is never any mention of Frank being Jewish.
Most of the “historians” of the case are of the
same religious faith as Leo Frank, and consistently over a century they have trafficked in propaganda that has masqueraded as “new evidence.”
There have been plays, articles, books, video's, movies, docu-dramas claiming death-bed confessions, bite marks and teeth x-rays (no evidence), and anti-Semitic pogroms (no evidence). Virtually all these works claim that an African American man named James Conley committed the crime. The most brazen concoction was the error-filled “testimony” of Alonzo Mann in 1982, which the Georgia State Board of Pardon and Paroles found to be insufficient. The ADL then tried a second time to strong-arm the Board, and in 1986 a strangely worded “pardon” was granted that specifically DID NOT ADDRESS THE GUILT OR INNOCENCE of the murderer Leo Frank.
Most of Frank’s advocates have relied on blatantly false information and politically biased propaganda and have not considered all the facts or reviewed all the original legal documents, including the original official testimony and evidence. Frank’s conviction was upheld by thirteen courts and judges in his thirteen appeals. Driven by the need to exonerate a Jewish leader, they “convict” in the media an innocent African American man. Frank’s racist defense was that rape and murder were “negro crimes,” and since Frank was a white man he could not have committed those horrific acts. Therefore, the black janitor at Frank’s factory named Jim Conley was the guilty party! WHITE PRIVILEGE!
Little Mary Phagan was ruthlessly raped and murdered by the sexual pervert Leo Frank in 1913.
What evidence does Rabbi Lebow, Governor Barnes, ADL representative Robert Wittenstein have that Leo Frank should be exonerated? There is no new evidence; nor was antisemitism the reason for his conviction to warrant a “new trial” through the Fulton County Innocence Project.
Mary Phagan-Kean, Great- Niece and Namesake of Little Mary Phagan, donates Phagan Family Collection: memorabilia, books, photographs, and papers, August 21, 2024. These materials will be housed at Georgia State University [GSU] Special Collections and Archives Department, as part of the GSU library’s digital collections, making them accessible to the public.
- Preface: Final [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 16th, 2023]
- Chapter 15: 1995: The secret deceitful underhanded revisionist political Marker Change at Mary Phagan's Grave by the Parks and Tourism Committee, Marietta City Council and the Jewish Community. Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 16th, 2023]
- Chapter 13: 1987-1988 Mary Phagan NBC "Docudrama" Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 20th, 2023]
- Chapter 17: 2003: Steve Oney Publishes Book Final [Last Updated On: October 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 5th, 2023]
- Chapter 16: 1998: Parade the Broadway musical is a corruption of history and radical attempt to whitewash a horrible murder and pin it on Jim Conley, a Negro Final [Last Updated On: October 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 5th, 2023]
- INTRODUCTION: FINAL [Last Updated On: April 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 18th, 2023]
- Chapter 18: Leo Frank Historical Marker Approved in 2006; Dedicated 2008 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 4th, 2024]
- Chapter 19: PBS Documentary: The People vs Leo Frank: 2008; Seeking Justice The Leo Frank Case Revisited: 2009 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 8th, 2024]
- Chapter 20: 100 years: 2013 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 14th, 2024]
- Chapter 26: Phagan Family Position Paper 2021 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 14th, 2024]
- Chapter 25: Jonathan Greenblatt: August 17, 2023, 2022, 2021 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 14th, 2024]
- Chapter 21: 2015: 100 years after Leo Frank Lynching Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 15th, 2024]
- Chapter 22: 2019: Fulton County Conviction Integrity Unit [CIU] Established to Exonerate Leo Frank Final [Last Updated On: December 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 21st, 2024]
- Chapter 28: January: 2024 Fani Willis, Fulton County DA Investigated by Georgia Senate Commission Final [Last Updated On: December 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 23rd, 2024]
- Chapter 27: Cobb Librarian Discusses the Lynching of Leo Frank: 2023 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 23rd, 2024]
- Contents: Final [Last Updated On: August 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2024]
- Glossary: Final [Last Updated On: October 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2024]
- Appendix [Last Updated On: June 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2024]
- Dramatis Personae/Who's Who: Final [Last Updated On: October 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2024]
- Chapter 24: Roy Barnes Mercer Law School (November 12, 2019) Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 1st, 2024]
- Chapter 23: Fulton County Paul Howard defeated by Fani Willis; November 6, 2019 Final [Last Updated On: July 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 1st, 2024]
- Chapter 29: Seeking Justice for Little Mary Phagan: Add Newsletters 2-13 Here Phagan Family Newsletter Collection [Last Updated On: October 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 23rd, 2024]