Phagan Family Newsletter Number Twelve

According to a recent Atlanta Journal Constitution report, former Georgia Gov. Roy Barnes, a Marietta attorney, is representing Fulton County DA Fani Willis before the Georgia Senate special committee investigating Willis. Is this a backdoor attempt by Barnes and the Anti-Defamation League to induce Willis to get a “pardon” for the B’nai B’rith leader who …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Eleven [2024]: Leo Frank Circus Continues

The LEO FRANK CIRCUS CONTINUESThe ADL is the modern day epitome of the phrase, “If you hang them in a hopper they will drip lies.” Leo Frank has been the subject of their insidious century long propaganda campaign to convict a Black man for a child rape and murder that a Jewish man, Leo Frank, …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Ten: Roy Barnes and Steven Lebow, July 2023.

Barnes & Lebow Can’t Tell the Truth • Twitter Revolt Against ADL • “PARADE” Fools Broadway, Again • Stew Peters’ ADL ExposéRoy Barnes and Steven Lebow:Why do you continue to tell the “Big Lies” ?In another one of his now tiresome interviews former governor Roy Barnes continues to repeat lie after lie after lie about …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Nine: 0731/2022

Broadway play PARADE IS NOT THE “TRUE STORY” OF LEO FRANKIts sole purpose is to falsely place blame for the murder of Little Mary Phagan on an African-American man named James Conley.New York City Center (NYCC) has announced that it will present one of the most blatantly deceitful productions ever to appear on an American …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Eight: 05/20/2022

Georgia Legislators Propose Cold Case Lynching Law But REAL Aim is to Exonerate A Single Person: Leo FrankThere is no more important word in today’s world than JUSTICE. I am Mary Phagan-Kean and I am the great-niece and namesake of “Little Mary Phagan,” the thirteen-year-old girl who was raped and murdered by B’nai B’rith leader …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Seven: 01/25/2021

DENIED!Georgia state board of pardons and paroles denies Phagan Family December 4th, 2020, request to declassify the non-public documents from it's files on Leo Frank!!!Georgia’s 106 Year Old Secrets!The Phagan family filed requests for all of the documents, recordings, and other data related to the case of the convicted murderer Leo M. Frank. We received …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Six: 09/12/2020

Will New District Attorney Bow to Pressure to Exonerate Leo Frank for Murder of Little Mary Phagan?Attorney Fani Willis beat Fulton County DA Paul Howard Jr. in a landslide victory —72% to 28% But will she bow to the same pressure that was put on her former boss to exonerate a man who raped and …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Five: 03/20/2020

Steve Oney says “NO NEW EVIDENCE” to exonerate Leo Frank for the murder of Little Mary PhaganOn February 17, 2020, Steve Oney spoke in Savannah on the Leo Frank case. Mr. Oney is considered by many Frank supporters to be an expert, having written a book on the subject. The Fulton County District Attorney Paul …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Four: 01/13.2020

Former governor Roy Barnes Claims Leo Frank Did Not Kill Mary Phagan. He Insists that the Century-Old conviction was “wrong”.What Roy Barnes doesn’t want you to know:107 years ago, Leo Frank, the general superintendent of an Atlanta pencil factory, targeted my great aunt, 13-year-old Mary Phagan—just like he had targeted 20 other young girls who …

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Three: 12/04/2019

The Phagan Family Asks D.A. Paul Howard Why The Secrecy?In 2019, under intense pressure from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard established the “Conviction Integrity Unit,” which is intended to reverse the 1913 conviction of the murderer and rapist Leo Frank. All evidence proves that Frank murdered our beloved …